To create a new Lead in Salesforce that is not yet in the system:
Open the WhatsApp Chat
Open the WhatsApp chat of the respective contact you wish to add.
Access the Salesforce Integration
Click on the Salesforce icon in the right sidebar of the extension.
Check for Existing Lead
If the contact is already a Salesforce lead, click on Link to existing Salesforce lead and select the relevant lead from the dropdown.
Create a New Lead
If the lead doesn't exist on Salesforce, click on the Create Lead button.
Enter Lead Information
Fill in the required details in the provided fields. You can also customize these fields by clicking on the Edit button to select additional user properties.
View Lead on Salesforce
Once the lead is created, you have the option to view it directly in Salesforce by clicking on the View Lead on Salesforce button.
This process ensures that you can seamlessly create and manage Salesforce leads directly from your WhatsApp conversations.
We hope this article has helped you better understand how EazyBe works! If you have any questions or need further assistance, feel free to reach out to us at [email protected]. We're happy to help!