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Create HubSpot Deals
Karan avatar
Written by Karan
Updated over a week ago

HubSpot Deals gives you a clear view of the business opportunities you're pursuing, allowing you to track their progress from start to finish. They help you organize all the essential details related to each deal, from its value and current stage in the pipeline to the associated contact information, ensuring that you stay on top of every deal.

And, did you know? You can create HubSpot deals using the EazyBe WhatsApp extension!

Curious, how?
Let's find out.

  1. Select the Contact

    Open the WhatsApp chat of the contact for whom you want to create a deal. Make sure the contact is created on HubSpot.

  2. Access the Deals section

    Click on the HubSpot icon in the right sidebar. The fourth button in the top bar will take you to the Deals section.

  3. Create a New Deal

    Click on the New Deal button to start creating a deal.

  4. Customize Deal Properties

    You will see some default properties, but you can also click on the Edit icon to select and customize additional properties. Reorder the selected properties as per your convenience, and then click Apply. (Note: This step is only applicable if you choose to edit the default properties)

  5. Fill in the Deal details

    Complete the necessary fields with relevant information, then click Save Deal. If you need to create more deals, you can do so by clicking on the Add button.

We hope this article has helped you better understand how EazyBe works! If you have any questions or need further assistance, feel free to reach out to us at [email protected]. We're happy to help!

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